Current Events Log

Source Information:

A) Title of Article: ______________________________________

B) Author(s) name: _____________________________________

C) *Name of the Publication (Source): _______________________

*If it was an Internet source, please include name of site & web address


D) Date of Publication: __________________________________

E) Region of the World:

-North America

-South America

-Eastern Europe -The Middle East

-Western Europe -Russia / Former USSR

-East Asia (China) -Africa

-South Asia (India) -Latin America / Caribbean

-Southeast Asia (Vietnam)


1) First paragraph requirement:

    The details of the stories. Summarize the article, giving the reader the basic information of the problem, discover, or conflict      

    (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How)

    (One [1] paragraph – 3-5 sentences minimal)

*An example is listed below:

  • Who is telling the story?
  • What news story / current event from this week is being addressed by this article?
  • Where is this story occurring that the creator of this article is trying to make?
  • When did the story occur?
  • Why is this event considered newsworthy / important to us as Americans? Explain.
  • How does your article relate/contribute to World History?



2) Second paragraph requirement:

    Your personal opinion of the issue in the Story. Give your own thoughts on the article’s major issues:

  • Why do you think we as Americans should know about this?
  • How it might connect to a topic we have talked about in class?
  • Is there a solution you think would help the situation.

(One [1] paragraph – 3-5 sentences minimal)


3) Third requirement:

    One question you can ask the class in the form of a Quiz or Test question for the class to think about. Also please provide the 






The Assignment:

Every Thursday, we will have an in-class discussion on current events going on in the world around us. Your task between those times will be to search national and international media outlets to find stories of global importance, complete a formal write-up of the article, and be prepared to present and discuss your article(s) with your peers in class. Current Event assignments will be turned in every week along with a parent/guardian initials. You will be required to present once per marking period in front of your class.  


At the end of the semester, you will be turning in your Current Event Log for a final grade with an up-to-date set of current event stories and write-ups as well as a final analysis project that will sum the news stories and connection you have made with these events during the course of the semester.




What do I have to do for this assignment?

  1. You must locate a current news story from a legitimate news source:



  • Try to focus on a World News Theme.
  • Sorry…The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, or other TV sources do not count.
  • Try to avoid Sports pages, entertainment, editorials, blogs.

2. Read the article and get a feel for the story or issue it is talking about.

3. Complete a write-up of the article using the assigned format below.

4. Participate in in-class discussions of current news stories once per  

    marking period.     

5. Keep the article in your history notebook or binder for class discussion.


What materials will I need to complete this assignment?


National newspapers, magazines, or reliable Internet sites, Some Examples for CURRENT NEWS EVENTS:



Several possible web sites for Current Event News

















                                                                                                                                      Your Name: ______

                                                                                                                                      Hour: ___________



Current Events Log

Source Information:

A) Title of Article: ______________________________________

B) Author(s) name: _____________________________________

C) *Name of the Publication (Source): _______________________

D) Date of Publication: __________________________________

*If it was an Internet source, please include name of site & web address


E) Region of the World:

-North America, South America

-Eastern Europe -The Middle East

-Western Europe -Russia / Former USSR

-East Asia (China) -Africa

-South Asia (India) -Latin America / Caribbean

-Southeast Asia (Vietnam)


1) First paragraph requirement:

    The details of the stories. Summarize the article, giving the reader the basic information of the problem, discover, or conflict      

    (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How)

    (One [1] paragraph – 3-5 sentences minimal)

     *An example is listed below:

  • Who is telling the story?
  • What news story / current event from this week is being addressed by this article?
  • Where is this story occurring that the creator of this article is trying to make?
  • When did the story occur?
  • Why is this event considered newsworthy / important to us as Americans? Explain.
  • How does your article relate/contribute to World History?



2) Second paragraph requirement:

    Your personal opinion of the issue in the Story. Give your own thoughts on the article’s major issues:

  • Why do you think we as Americans should know about this?
  • How it might connect to a topic we have talked about in class?
  • Is there a solution you think would help the situation.

(One [1] paragraph – 3-5 sentences minimal)


3) Third requirement:

    One question you can ask the class in the form of a Quiz or Test question for the class to think about. Also please provide the 




(Each journal entry should be no longer than one [1] page in length)



Current Events Dates for Semester 1:

























Typed double spaced - two page maximum


At the end of the semester, you will be turning in your Current Event Log for a final grade with an up-to-date set of current event stories and write-ups as well as a final analysis project that will sum the news stories and connection you have made with these events during the course of the semester.

Gather all of your current events in a packet and see if you recognize any particular pattern you may have noticed based on the type of Current Event topics you wrote. In a 2 page typed paper follow the following format:



First paragraph: Introduction explaining any similarities on your current event topics (politics, government, medicine, law enforcement ect) or no similarities (all different types of topics).


Second paragraph: Pick your favorite current event paper and tell about it.


Third paragraph: Recall one current event you remember from one of your classmates and tell about why you remember.


Fourth paragraph:  Your thoughts on this assignment of having to pick a current event every week and having to get up in front of your classmates and read one each marking period.





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