Investigating states of matter in third grade with some observations. #ArrowwoodEagles #investigating

Making the most of the cold temps with some fun and games at indoor recess. 🦅

Even though it might be chilly outside, the Eagles are staying warm and having fun at Hartley. #ArrowwoodEagles #HartleyOEC

The second group of Eagles are having a ball with the falling snow and nighttime recreation at Hartley. #ArrowwoodEagles #HartleyOEC

This week our Student Council members are presenting on their service learning project, the Arrowwood Care Closet. Students have organized basic items for all students to take as needed. #ArrowwoodEagles #CareCloset

The second group of Hartley students are off. The first group will arrive back at Arrowwood at around 11 AM.

Thank you to the Saginaw Northwest Kiwanis members for presenting our entire third grade with dictionaries this morning. #ArrowwoodEagles #kiwanis #SpreadingKindness

What do the Eagles love doing after lunch? Getting to meet the resident corn snake at Hartley. #ArrowwoodEagles

It's been an amazing first day out at Hartley for Mr. Mize and Ms. Muylle's classrooms. The Eagles are ready for day 2's adventures! #ArrowwoodEagles #HartleyOEC

These students were the PRIDE kids of the month for November. We celebrated them at the assembly before Thanksgiving and got them their shirts and photos today. We are so proud of their great choices!

Our first group of fourth graders has officially left the nest and is on their way to Hartley! We are so excited for the memories they are sure to make. #eaglesbelieve #eaglesachieve

Congratulations to this week's PRIDE kids of the week. Keep up the great work, Eagles 🦅

Thank you to Ms. Nye and Ms. Blumer for the Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds fun in several classrooms today. Students enjoyed their visits, which included a fun tasting activity.

Be sure to check out the latest at Arrowwood in this week's Eagle Express here; https://secure.smore.com/n/fu28v

Ms. White's fourth grade class welcomed Ms. Mica as a guest reader today. She shared a great book and engaged the students in a mindful eating activity. Thank you for spending time with us today!

Need help preparing for the holiday? Let the NHS assist in wrapping your gifts.

The elementary lunch will be cherry blossom chicken with rice as originally planned for Friday. The menu for Thursday (chicken fries) will be moved to next Thursday in place of chicken drumsticks.
Breakfast tomorrow will be the muffin originally planned for Thursday.

All STCS schools will be closed Thursday Dec. 5th, due to slippery road conditions for the morning commute. Staff, except custodial and maintenance, need NOT report. Step by Step and the After School Activity Club will also be closed. Any school or athletic related event decisions will be announced this afternoon.

Nothing beats a good news phone call to kick off the day. Congratulations to this Eagle, who has already completed the entire third grade pathway on our ALEKS math program! #eaglesbelieve #eaglesachieve

The fourth graders rocked it tonight on stage. Enjoy a few moments from their musical "A Radio Holiday" and thank you to everyone who enjoyed the concerts tonight. #ArrowwoodEagles