Coffee and community conversations with Superintendent Kraatz.

Social media star Gerry Brooks presents to our staff on climate, culture and humor in our everyday jobs!

Welcoming new families to STCS at the Kindergarten Info Night!

Principal Ms. Volk is being taped to the wall by her students as a prize for collecting food for Mackinaw High School's market!

Superintendent Kraatz presenting to the Saginaw Board of Realtors about STCS and what it offers to residents.

The STCS job fair is bringing in some wonderful candidates!

Any Saginaw Township resident 62 years or older is entitled to a STCS Senior Pass allowing admission to school plays, concerts, athletic contests and more! Senior passes are available at the Board Office (located inside Heritage High School) and never expire!

Representative Amos O'Neal presenting a $1.9 million grant for the STCS Sherwood Pool.

It's a very important day at STCS, as the entire staff is taking safety training as part of ongoing professional development. Cybersecurity, safety protocols and more are on the agenda for the full day.

Beautiful weather for a Homecoming parade!

Waiting for the parade!

Friday Night Lights. Go Hawks!

Parents...still need your student's immunizations or dental assessments? Here's your chance!

The Heritage Curriculum night and parent resource fair is still scheduled for tonight (Tuesday, August 27th) at Heritage High School.

Welcome Back STCS!

The busses have arrived!

Our newest students are committed to Kindergarten at STCS and can't wait to start the year!
#WelcomeToSTCS #TinyDesksBigMinds #EveryStudentEveryDay

Everyone needs a little ice cream break during professional development days! Thank you to Trombley Insurance Agency in Saginaw for sponsoring the treats!

Back to school for our entire STCS staff! We are excited and can't wait to see our students again!

New Teacher Workday has launched! Introducing new teachers to the various departments in the district!