Contact us: (989) 797-1840 3301 Fashion Square Blvd - Saginaw, MI 48603 Fax: (989) 799-6755
Early Release drop off times will be 3 hours 40 minutes earlier than their regular drop off time.
Late Start pick ups will be 3 hours and 50 minutes later than their regular pick up times.
Note: Bus stop information can be found in Skyward Family Access
Become a Bus Driver!
WAGE INCREASE AND BENEFITS! We're looking for bus drivers and aides! We will train you for a great career. It's easier than you think to drive a school bus.
Email Director Toni Butterfield to apply.
View Your Student's Bus Information
To view transportation information (Bus Number, Stop Location, Pickup/Drop Off times, etc.)
1) Login to Skyward Family Access (Contact your building Secretary if you do not have a password)
2) Click on the Student Information tab from the left hand menu
3) Click on View Bus Schedule
4) Click on View Pickup/Drop Off Bus Stops
Transportation Sign Up Information
Transportation forms are now available to be filled out online! STCS will provide transportation to and from a student's designated bus stop. Please see the frequently asked questions in the gray bar below.
(Click above to request transportation. It is a Google Form best viewed in Google Chrome)
Please Note:
1. Students living outside of their school zone will not be eligible for busing. In addition, students living within 1.5 miles of their school will also not be eligible for busing.
2. If you have a student that requires Special Needs Transportation (i.e. IEP, ECSE), do not fill out the form. Please contact Harmony Terry in Special Services at 989-799-5511 and she will help get you set up for busing.
3. If you have moved, please fill out the transportation form above. Also, in your Skyward Family Access, click on 'Online Forms' and fill out the Address Change/Housing Status Change form. New proof of residency will need to be taken to your child's school office.
4. Heritage High School students needing transportation to the Saginaw Career Complex can sign up by clicking on the form above.
5. If you need an alternate location (daycare) pick-up or drop-off, please also use the form above. Only one address can be used as an alternate pick-up or drop-off site and location must be used on a regular basis and meet eligibility criteria for bus transportation.
Department Contacts
Transportation Director
Toni Butterfield
Email Toni Butterfield
Transportation Supervisor
Christopher Greenleaf
Email Christopher Greenleaf
Program Secretary
Sabrina Gallardo
Email Sabrina Gallardo
Stopping for a Bus
Michigan Law requires drivers overtaking or meeting a bus with its flashing lights on must stop no closer than 20 feet away unless it's a divided highway. There are no divided highways in Saginaw Township, so you must stop for any bus with its flashers on!!!