Community Education

Summer Kids Club

Kindergarten* - 5th grade Summer Childcare Program
Held at Sherwood Elementary

The summer staff provides various activities throughout the day, including outdoor play, and a few field trips! Students can bring in their own items to play with, but will need to take them home each day, including their own labeled water bottle. Please send a sack lunch daily, including a beverage. Two daily snacks are provided. Summer Kids Club hours will be from 7 AM to 6 PM, starting Monday, June 2. The program will be closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. The last day of Summer is Friday, August 8.

All students must be PRE-REGISTERED. There is a non-refundable $30 registration fee per child. If a child attended the After School Activity Club during the school year, we will use their Information Record on file. If your student did not attend the ASAC during the school year, a Child Information Form will need to be completed and returned to Community Education. *Students must have completed Kindergarten in 2024-2025. *

Registration forms will be available in April at the After School Activities Clubs or online at this site.

Upcoming Offerings

Dates for the April-May Yoga classes at Heritage High School are:

New You Yoga - Tuesday’s class
Tuesdays, April 22 - May 27  
6:30 – 7:30 PM $57

Chair Yoga - Thursday’s class
Thursdays, April 24 - May 29  
5:15 – 6:15 PM     $57

New You Yoga - Thursday’s class
Thursdays, April 24 - May 29
6:30 – 7:30 PM   $57

Register at or call us at 989-797-1847!

Step By Step Preschool OPEN HOUSE!

Step By Step Open House

After School Activities Clubs

Welcome to the After School Activities Club (ASAC) for K-5 students.! The packet of forms are now available for enrollment. All of the Enrollment forms can be found at the link below (ASAC Documents). Following MDHHS Licensing rules, all students must be enrolled prior to attending the programs. All of the required forms are available online and can be printed out. The packet is also available at the Community Education office (inside Heritage High School, 3465 N. Center Rd. Use the North Parking lot and come in at Entrance "C".

Step By Step Preschool

Step By Step Preschool Childcare - 3 to 5 years of age
A Developmentally Appropriate Program for Preschool Children
Located at Arrowwood Elementary (5410 Seidel). Director: Patricia Buchholz  Phone: 989.399.8527

Enrollment packets with program information and printable forms are available online or in the Community Education office inside Heritage High School. Please complete and return the packet of forms below (Step By Step documents). You can drop the completed forms off to the Community Education Office or emailed to Community Education at Office hours at 8 am - 4:30 pm. 

Our Philosophy
Step By Step is committed to recognizing the individuality of each child enrolled in our program. We assist children in developing their own natural talents and help them discover new ones. An open and cooperative relationship between our center and your home is imperative. Together, we share the responsibility of providing a secure and nurturing environment for your child. We focus on the individual needs of your child, including emotional, cognitive, social, and physical skill development. School readiness skills are also emphasized. Your child’s early experiences with preschool child care and school settings will follow them throughout their life. Our goal is to make it a positive one!

Michigan DHHS - Bridges - Childcare  Assistance

  • Licensed by the State of Michigan

  • Located at Arrowwood Elementary

  • Full-year program (closed holidays)

  • Full Year: open 7 am - 6 pm

  • Enrichment Program is School Year

  • Enrichment: open 8:30-11:30 am

  • Snacks provided

  • 6 day sick allowance/year

  • Child must be 3 years old to attend

  • Child must be toilet trained to attend

2024-2025 Rates (pre-paid by week regardless of attendance). No credits for non-attendance.
Full Time: Monday - Friday, minimum 4 days.
5 days - $160/week 4 Days - $128/week
Enrichment: Monday-Thursday (not open on Fridays). Minimum 2 days.
4 Days-$80/week 3 Days-$60/week 2-Days-$40/week

After School Club @ White Pine Middle School

Open to any White Pine student. Students report to Room 120 in East Hall, Room. Hours are 3:45 pm - 6 pm on regular school days.
The WPASC is not open on half-day or no-school days. Cost is $8 per day.

Students must be pre-registered. Printable forms are found below. Forms must be returned to the Community Education office at least 1 day prior to first day of attendance.

Call 797-1847 if you have questions!

Community Education Facebook

Aquatics Exercise

Sherwood Pool Re-Opening Project

Saginaw Township Community Schools is scheduled to receive $1.9 million in state enhancement fund to repair the Sherwood Pool, which has been used for community aquatics for over 35 years.

The Sherwood Pool, located at Sherwood Elementary School, has been closed since February of 2022, due to structural problems and a defunct dehumidification unit that has aged out of available parts.

The Sherwood Pool has been used for daytime Aquatics Exercise for older adults, evening Exercise Boot Camp for adults, Swim School for children being taught how to swim, and Lifeguard Training. The pool was open five days per week, from morning to evening. Every year, hundreds of participants use the pool and it provides quality-of-life for many of the Township’s older adults and swim lessons for children. It is the only warm water pool (86 degrees) in the area, with easy access, which are major benefits for all participants.

At this time, repair work on the pool is planned to begin in May, 2025 and be completed by the Fall of 2025.

If you would like to be added to the list of swimmers to receive pool status updates, email your name, phone number, and email to

Swim School Lessons & H2O Bootcamp

The Sherwood Pool is currently closed for repair. At this time, repair work on the pool is planned to begin in May, 2025 and be completed by the Fall of 2025.

If you would like to be added to the list of swimmers to receive pool status updates, email your name, phone number, and email to


Community Education 
3465 N. Center Road, Saginaw, MI 48603 
Phone: (989) 797-1847

Office Hours: Mon-Fri., 8am-4:30pm 
Office Staff: Augustine Ostrom (am) & Julie Allen (pm) 

Email Community Education

Director of Community Services:
Steve Elliott (989) 399-8029 (Email Steve Elliott)

Online Links - Admins