Step By Step Preschool Childcare
Step By Step Preschool Childcare - 3 to 5 years of age
A Developmentally Appropriate Program for Preschool Children Ages 3 - 5 Years
Located at Arrowwood Elementary (5410 Seidel). Director: Patricia Buchholz Phone: 989.399.8527
Enrollment packets with program information and printable forms are available online or in the Community Education office inside Heritage High School. Please complete and return the packet of forms below (See documents). You can drop these completed forms off to the Community Education Office or emailed to Community Education at Office hours at 8 am - 4:30 pm.
Our Philosophy
Step By Step is committed to recognizing the individuality of each child enrolled in our program. We assist children in developing their own natural talents and help them discover new ones. An open and cooperative relationship between our center and your home is imperative. Together, we share the responsibility of providing a secure and nurturing environment for your child. We focus on the individual needs of your child, including emotional, cognitive, social, and physical skill development. School readiness skills are also emphasized. Your child’s early experiences with preschool child care and school settings will follow them throughout their life. Our goal is to make it a positive one!
Michigan DHHS - Bridges - Childcare Assistance
Licensed by the State of Michigan
Located at Arrowwood Elementary
Full-year program (closed holidays)
Full Year: open 7 am - 6 pm
Enrichment Program is School Year
Enrichment: open 8:30-11:30 am
Snacks provided
6 day sick allowance/year
Child must be 3 years old to attend
Child must be toilet trained to attend
2024-2025 Rates (pre-paid by week regardless of attendance). No credits for non-attendance.
Full Time: Monday - Friday, minimum 4 days.
5 days - $160/week 4 Days - $128/week
Enrichment: Monday-Thursday (not open on Fridays). Minimum 2 days.
4 Days-$80/wk 3 Days-$60/wk 2-Days-$40/wk
Application and Registration:
To reserve your child’s space in our program, there is a non-refundable $35 Registration fee per child. A Registration Packet can be picked up at the Community Education Office (located inside Heritage High School), as well as available below in printable pdf format documents. Forms can also be scanned and emailed to Community Education at