Nurse Services
* Important Notice: Please be aware that each school year a NEW Medication Consent form must be signed by a physician & parent/guardian in order for medications to be administered in school. Also new diabetic care plans and asthma management plans need to be updated every year.*
The links to various student medical issues are located in the left column of this page. Included are:
STCS district's Medication Policy . This provides information on the administration of medication in school. Each medication that is given at school needs its own Medication Consent form. A copy of the medication consent form is available.
Asthma Management . This form can be filled out by your physician and will let the school know of what triggers your child to have an asthma attack and what should be done in case there is one in school.
Diabetic Management. Two forms provide information to the school regarding your child and diabetes. These forms need to be completed by a physician and signed by a parent/guardian. To provide information to school staff regarding seizures for your child, please complete the Seizure Health Form and return it to your school office.
Special Dietary Needs . This form should be filled out by a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner or registered dietitian and returned to the Food Service Office, Saginaw Township Community Schools, P.O. Box 6278, Saginaw, MI 48608. If you have any question regarding your child's nutritional needs please call 793-9713. If your child has a food allergy, the Allergy Action Plan will provide specific information about your child to the school.
Head Lice. The Michigan Department of Community Health & Michigan Department of Education have put together a new comprehensive manual to identify, treat, manage and prevent head lice. You can view the STCS Head Lice Guidelines. Also from the Saginaw County Health Department is a Olive Oil Treatment for Head Lice.
Communicable Disease information. The Saginaw County Health Department gives school districts guidelines in how to keep communicable diseases under control. This information provides the school district with guidelines regarding when should your child be kept home due to a communicable disease.
For free informational pamphlets on the fifth disease, impetigo, head lice and myths, pinkeye, pinworm, ringworm and scabies, go to the Saginaw County Department of Public Health.
Recommended Childhood and Adult Immunizations. You can view the schedule issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to see if your child is up to date with his/her immunizations. Visit this webpage
Useful Links for websites that can be very helpful for parents, staff and children are located at the bottom on the left-hand column above.