Schools of Choice

Schools of Choice (SOC) for the 2025 - 2026 School Year

The Board of Education will be voting on Schools of Choice (SOC) in April.
The dates for the School of Choice application window for 2025-2026 will be determined at that time.

All SOC students must reside in Saginaw County and the Saginaw Intermediate School District (SISD) and outside of Saginaw Township.

Non-Resident Enrollment is not available until the SOC window closes and applicants are approved and notified by email. All non-resident enrollment will be denied unless approved during the SOC window.

2025-2026 Schools of Choice - Important Information

2025 - 2026  Kindergarten - 6th grade : Dates To Be Determined

2024 - 2025  Kindergarten - 5th grade Hemmeter Gifted and Talented: Dates To Be Determined

Michigan Schools Data - Click Here  

Schools of Choice - State Rules/Guidelines 

Choosing a School - An Overview

 Frequently Asked Questions – Limited Schools of Choice

Is Saginaw Township Community Schools School (STCS) an unlimited schools of choice district?
No, STCS participates in "limited school of choice." This means only non-resident students from certain grades and special programs are eligible for the school of choice program. STCS accepts applications for Grades K-6 or for K-5 students who qualify for attending Hemmeter Elementary's Talent Development program.

Who is eligible for Schools of Choice?
Students who live outside of Saginaw Township but live in the Saginaw County Intermediate School District boundaries are eligible. Both parents must reside outside of Saginaw Township, even if only one parent has custody of the student.

How are Schools of Choice students selected?
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of open seats per grade level, the district will use a random draw system to select the applicants. Otherwise, every eligible student application is approved.

Can I choose which school I want my child to attend?
STCS Schools of Choice openings are based on space availability at each grade and each school. In some situations, not all schools will have availability in all grades for Schools of Choice students. You may make note of your preference for school placement on the application. We will try our best to accommodate those requests, but we will not guarantee your child will be placed in the school you request.

Will transportation be provided?
No. Parents are expected to provide transportation. Additionally, students are expected to be dropped off and picked up on time every day. For information about before school options please inquire at the school office. For after-school programs options, contact Community Education at 797-1847.

Do I need a separate application for each of my children?
Yes. A Schools of Choice application must be completed for each child.

If my child is admitted, do we have to re-apply every year?
No. Once your child is enrolled under Schools of Choice, your child is welcome to remain an STCS student through graduation. 

Can I FAX or email my child's application?
Yes, but a hard copy of an application delivered to the Community Education Office, inside Heritage High School, 3465  N. Center Rd., Saginaw, MI 48603, is preferred. You may mail the application, however, we are not responsible for late or missing deliveries. Applications are due by 4 pm by the deadline date.

Is acceptance or placement done on a first come, first served basis?
All applications must be received within the posted timeline for the application window, and all applications received at any time within that posted window will be given equal consideration. However, siblings of students currently enrolled in STCS will be given first priority. 

What if my child has an IEP? 
Schools of Choice student who are eligible for special education services and has an IEP are given equal consideration, however, to assist us in the appropriate school placement, please list any information that would be helpful.

Thank you for your interest in Saginaw Township Community Schools! 

If you have questions beyond what is provided here, please call (989) 797-1847